What does this mean for educators?
Lightcast's Open Skills project exists to remove these barriers by providing a common skills language that is specific, flexible, and current enough to connect educators (and learners) to the labor market like never before. Specifically, we are focused on helping education providers leverage skill-level insights in two key areas.
- Translate your curriculum into the language of the labor market. Identify skills and competencies you already teach. Provide new insight and transparency into your curriculum. Lay the groundwork for comparing the skills taught in your programs with the skills sought in employer job postings.
Get this breakthrough insight for your institution via the Skillabi platform. You can get a sneak-peek at some of the technology we use to do so by trying out our free Skills Extractor. Just paste in some curricular content (a syllabus, course description, etc.) and watch the parser identify skills (and suggest related skills), in real time. - Engage students with personalized learning pathways. By helping students identify personal skill gaps and connecting those gaps to related courses, you can help them discover relevant learning opportunities at your institution based on their past experience and future goals.
Lightcast makes this possible with SkillsMatch, a student-facing tool, customized with your branding, that uses data about a learner’s current and desired skills to match them with relevant courses at your institution.